Dental Implants Willow Grove

Say goodbye to uncomfortable dentures or missing teeth! Regain confidence with dental implants and enjoy a full, beautiful smile. Discover the benefits of dental implants today!

About Dental Implants at Mega Dental Willow Grove

Dental implants are a revolutionary method of tooth replacement that can provide you with a fully functional new tooth while preventing bone atrophy from tooth loss. Before their development, bridges or dentures were the only options for people who had lost a tooth. Patients suffering from missing most or all of their teeth can enjoy a complete replacement with life-like dental implants. 

Dental implants are an excellent option for patients looking for a long-lasting solution to replace one or more missing teeth. Dental implants are versatile and can be used to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or even an entire arch of teeth. They look and feel natural, allowing you to eat, bite, and chew comfortably with a beautiful smile. Dental implants are a revolutionary solution for individuals who have lost or damaged teeth. They provide a permanent and natural-looking replacement that can improve both the function and appearance of your smile. If you are considering dental implants, here is everything you need to know:

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are titanium posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone to act as artificial tooth roots. The implant is made of titanium metal and is a substitute for the root of your natural tooth. Once the implant fuses with the bone, a crown, bridge, or denture is attached to the top to create a fully functional and natural-looking tooth replacement.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants have become the go-to solution for many patients when it comes to replacing missing teeth. Unlike traditional dentures or bridges, dental implants offer a permanent and natural-looking option that can restore both function and appearance to your smile. Here are some of the key benefits of choosing dental implants:

Improved Oral Health

Dental implants integrate with your jawbone just like natural teeth, which helps to maintain bone density and prevent further bone loss. This can help preserve your face's overall structure and prevent sagging or sunken facial features that can occur with missing teeth.

Durability and Longevity

Dental implants, with proper care, can last for a lifetime. This makes them a cost-effective option in the long run compared to other tooth replacement options that may need to be replaced or repaired over time.

Improved Functionality

Unlike removable dentures, dental implants are fixed in place and function just like natural teeth. This means you can eat, speak, and smile confidently without worrying about your teeth shifting or slipping out of place.

Enhanced Aesthetics

Dental implants are designed to look and feel like your natural teeth, blending seamlessly with your smile. This can boost your self-confidence and improve your overall appearance.

Convenience and Comfort

Once dental implants are in place, they require the same care as natural teeth – regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups. There is no need for messy adhesives or removal at night, making them a hassle-free option for many patients.

Are Dental Implants Right For Me?

Dental implants are popular for many reasons. They provide a permanent solution that can improve your smile, enhance your chewing ability, and prevent further bone loss in your jaw. Consider the following factors to determine if they’re right for you:

Overall Health

Being in good physical health is essential, but even more importantly, you should have healthy gums and enough bone in your jaw to support the implant.


Dental implants may seem a bit pricey compared to other tooth replacement options like dentures and bridges, but they are an excellent investment in your oral health and can improve your quality of life in the long run. Some insurance plans may cover a portion of the cost of dental implants, and our friendly team is always ready to help you determine the final cost of your treatment.

Commitment to Maintenance

Once you have dental implants, taking proper care of them is essential. This includes regular brushing and flossing, as well as regular dental check-ups. They can be a great option if you are committed to maintaining your oral hygiene.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

With regular brushing and flossing, the implant screw itself can last a lifetime, including regular dental check-ups every six months. However, the crown usually lasts about 10 to 15 years before it may need a replacement due to wear and tear.

If you have missing teeth or wear dentures, you can schedule a free consultation with Dr. Plotnik to see if you're a suitable candidate. We look forward to helping you achieve a beautiful, confident smile!

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35 N. York Road
Willow Grove, PA 19090

Hours :

Monday - Friday

10 am - 6 pm


10 am - 3 pm